Juricomptabilité et évaluation d'entreprise

J’ai gagné à la loterie! Yeah! Yeah! Yeah!


Vous ne me croirez pas , mais j’ai GAGNÉ À LA LOTERIE! Yeah! Yeah! Yeah!

Combien? 750 000 euros .

Pourtant, je ne me rappelle même pas avoir acheter un billet ou avoir participer.Ça c’est avoir de la chance pure.

Je me vois déjà , avec un petit air blasé, jouer au poker avec des personnages très connus, le jet set, la vie des gens riches et célèbres…mmmumm, la belle vie.

Un peu de sérieux!

Voici le courriel. Un exemple d’hameçonnage avec la loterie.

This is to notify you that this e-mail address [ info@helenebouchard.ca ] was entered during the annual Euro Milliones Lottery selection Draw and have won the sum of 750,000 euros.

For claim please contact the below agent for immediate process of your claim; Remember to quote these numbers below for verification by the company.

REF: ESP/WIN/808/05/10/MA

BATCH: EURO/1007/444/606/09

WINNER EMAIL: info@helenebouchard.ca

You should include Your Name, Phone numbers, Fax number, Reference and Batch Numbers.


Mr. Francisco Torres (Claim Officer)

Email: admin-global@gestores.com or globalgestores@luckymail.com

Tel: 0034-693-27-60-78

Fax: 0034-911-82-02-31

Best regards,

Dr. Maria Jose Muyor.

Euro Milliones Lottery

2nd August 2009


This email is confidential and is intended solely for the person or Entity that own this email address [ info@helenebouchard.ca ]. If you have received this message in error, we inform you that the content in it is reserved and unauthorized use is prohibited by law, therefore, please notify us by e-mail.


Posted in: Fraude 101, Hameçonnage

Comments: J’ai gagné à la loterie! Yeah! Yeah! Yeah!

    Borquez@gmail.com'Gustavo Yax
    Commented:  11/06/2010 at 20:42

    Merci ca ma bien aidé, vos articles sont très utiles

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