Corruption, collusion, construction doivent être les mots les plus prononcés ou écris depuis que le rapport Duchesneau s’est retrouvé dans les journaux.
Cette situation n’est pas “made in Quebec” et on ne peut en revendiquer l’invention. Rodrigue Tremblay, économiste, professeur émérite de l’université de Montréal m’a aidé à comprendre l’économique quand j’étais très jeune avec ses volumes sur la micro et macro économique. Il écrit toujours . Il a publié dernièrement “Code pour une éthique globale vers une civilisation humaniste” aux Presses de l’université de Montréal.
Voici un extrait d’un article de son blog et les causes déclin des État Unis:
Around the world, many are baffled by what’s happening to the United States. It seems that all at once the wheels are going off the cart. The American economy is in the doldrums, the American political system is dysfunctional and paralyzed, and a series of elective, far away foreign wars is ruining the country.
The U.S. economy used to be an engine of economic growth and the American political system used to be a well-oiled checks-and-balances machine that was geared toward progress and that could accommodate both leadership and compromise. Moreover, Americans can be proud that their constitution, at least on paper, is one the best in the world, having been crafted by enlightened founders who believed in individual and democratic freedom.
In this short article, I will identify what I think to be the two major causes of America’s current decline. (I welcome comments.)
-The first cause is a moral one: it is related to the widespread corruption that permeates many institutions and sectors of the U.S. society, the most corrupt of them all being the political system and the corporate system. It is no accident that the epicenter where these two corrupt systems meet is at the Pentagon, an agency that reports upon reports picture as a cesspool of corruption.
The result of that widespread corruption is that the United States is now generating a sub-standard class of politicians to administer its affairs who are not the servants of the common good, but who rather serve happily the narrow money interests that finance them. The U.S. corporate elite, for the most part, has abandoned all loyalty to its country while it roams the world in order to make short-term profits at all costs and avoid paying taxes in its country of origin.
The result: wacky politicians and greedy business people are in charge.
The same can be said about the biased corporate media who have also abandoned all pretenses of neutrality and objectivity in informing the people and who have rather donned the mantle of unadulterated propaganda in order to cynically manipulate information and public opinion, to the delight of their money masters.
Things were never perfect in the past, but I would argue that the current level and scope of corruption in the U.S. society is unprecedented and is a root cause of the decline of the United States.
Rodrigue Tremblay utilise beaucoup de citations, voici les plus percutantes qui font réfléchir:
“I am convinced that I am acting as the agent of our Creator. By fighting off the Jews, I am doing the Lord’s work.”
Adolf Hitler (1889-1945), German politician and future German Chancellor, Mein Kampf, chap. 2, 1925
“I believe that God wants me to be president.”
George W. Bush, American 43rd president, speech in Washington D.C., June 1, 2004
“The Lord says be submissive. Wives, you are to be submissive to your husbands.”
Michele Bachmann, Rep. of Minnesota and 2012 Republican presidential candidate, (on the question of submitting to the authority of her husband, 2006).
Ça donne le goût de lire son bouquin sur l’éthique.